Palm cone contracture cone
Spasticity is a condition where muscles contract uncontrollably, limiting movement and increasing the risk of deformities. It results from brain or spinal cord injury, often due to stroke, brain hemorrhage, or cerebral palsy (CP). Hand spasticity is characterized by a flexion pattern (bent elbow, flexed wrist, clenched fist, and thumb inside the palm).
Treatment includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and passive positioning. A finger-separating orthosis helps maintain proper hand positioning. It is anatomically shaped, lightweight, and comfortable, with a foam roll to prevent wrist and hand contracture and thumb adduction.
- Stroke
- Wrist deformities
- Rheumatoid inflammation
- Cerebral palsy
- Neurological disorders causing spasticity
Orthosis size: 13 cm
Stroke, stroke rehabilitation, spasticity, neurorehabilitation, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, muscle tone, movement restoration, paralysis, motor function, hand orthosis, post-stroke therapy, neurological recovery, functional restoration, rehabilitation exercises, for stroke patients.
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